College of Arts and Social Sciences - PGR Conference 2014
MediaCity Campus, 2nd Floor, Room 2.08
21st January 2014
11.00-11.30 Introduction
Stephen Ward, Associate Dean Research & Innovation
11.30-1200 Documentary Screening 1: "The Good Doctorate"
12.00-1.00 Library Workshop - Helen McEvoy
Introduction to your online and physical
library services
You will be
shown how to access library resources – both physical and online
1.00-2.00 Lunch break
2.00-3.00 PhD
Survival Guide - Dr Deborah Woodman
Deborah Woodman is a research administrator
in the College of Arts & Social Sciences and has lectured in British
history for the Universities of Huddersfield and Salford. Her PhD is on
the public house in nineteenth century Manchester and Salford, graduating in
2011. Prior to her work at Salford she spent ten years at the University
of Manchester, where she undertook a number of roles in research support.
This presentation will consider
some of the issues that you may encounter when undertaking a PhD and how to
deal with them. Whether full or
part-time the PhD is different to anything else you will do, and you will face
issues combining your research with employment, family, and life in
general. You may have concerns with, for
instance, finances, keeping your research on track and the pressure of meeting
deadlines, presenting your first conference paper, and coping with a viva. The presentation will offer some practical
advice that will help you cope with a whole range of issues that may arise
during your studies.
3.00-4.00 Drop in
Surgery – 1 to 1 advice
Benjamin Halligan
22nd January 2014
Progress and
11.00-12.30 Guide
to Progression Points
Benjamin Halligan
session will outline the nature of all progression points during the lifecycle
of the PhD – from Learning Agreement to IE. We will look at the forms that are
required for each, talk about the expectations of the panels that look at them,
and offers tips for smooth and timely progress.
12.30-1.30 Lunch break
1.30-2.30 From
Conference Participation to Publication
Michael Goddard
This session will examine
one of the most productive and straightforward ways of publishing your
research--via conference participation. Many academic conferences have specific
publication outcomes (sometimes already mentioned in the call for papers), and
even when they don't there are frequently opportunities for disseminating and
publishing your work that emerge from conference participation. This session
will cover such issues as selecting the best conference to present your work
(subject specific, postgraduate or not, connected to an association), preparing
conference abstracts, conference networking, conference organisation, revising
your abstract for publication, and the publication process. As it is impossible
to generalise, a range of examples will be presented but there will also be the
opportunity to present your own experiences and issues regarding both
conference participation and the publication process.
2.30-4.00 Viva
Survival Guide
Dr Benjamin Halligan
session will deal in detail with the Viva: what to expect, how to prepare, how
to defend your work, and the possible outcomes from the Viva.
23rd January 2014
11.00-1.00 Practice-based Research
Prof Erik Knudsen, Dr Alan Williams
In this informal interactive session, Professor Alan
Williams and Professor Erik Knudsen will present some thoughts about creative
practice research with particular reference to their respective fields of music
composition and independent filmmaking. Giving some examples from their
personal research, and some brief case studies from their practice research
students' research projects, they will discuss the opportunities and challenges
involved in creative practice research. There will be plenty of opportunities
for participants to engage in debate and ask questions.
Knudsen is a filmmaker and Professor of Film Practice at the University of Salford. He is a former Head of the School of
Media, Music and Performance and has also acted as the university’s Director of
Graduate Studies. Earlier roles have included programme leading the MA in
Fiction Film Production, the MA in Television Documentary Production and the MA
in Wildlife Documentary Production. Predominantly practice-led film
research, in particular narrative documentary and fiction, Erik is interested
in exploring alternative modes of cinematic narratives and stories, changing
practices resulting from developments in production and dissemination
technologies and in the epistemology of fact and fiction within the narrative
moving image.
1.00-2.00 Lunch break
2.00-2.30 Documentary Screening 2: "The Good Viva"
2.30-4.00 Field
Research and Discussion
Sharon Coen
Conducting and publishing content
analytical work
Sharon Coen has research and
teaching experience in the areas of social and media psychology. Her main
interests concern the way media portray and respond to social and political
issues, and how these in turn inform public perceptions of the same issues.
This session will take you
through the key steps involved in successfully conducting and publishing
content analytical work. Starting from the development of a testable research
question to the selection and implementation of appropriate methodologies, the
assessment of validity and reliability, data analysis and interpretation, we
will discuss how to run and report content analytical work in an effective and
meaningful way.
4.00-5.00 Impact
Victoria Moody
Impact: Creating a new space in research.
What is meant by ‘Impact’?
How might the focus on
impact help you to build networks, reach more people through your research and
support you in your career.
Workshop - What is the potential for impact in your
Victoria has been supporting researchers at the University of
Salford develop their research impact for the last two years and has developed to
share and support the application of Salford research for the wider public
benefit. Victoria has a PhD from the University of Manchester and has
previously worked in the public sector for a range of organisations with a
focus on public benefit, including in charity management, heritage and museums
management, democratic standards, Freedom of Information policy, and most
recently in the lovely world of open data.
24th January 2014
Life After Your
11.00-12.00 Post
Doc Funding Opportunities for New Researchers
The session will look at the main opportunities for funding and how and
when to apply for them and talk about career development for those wanting to
develop a career in research in academia.
Robert Morris from the Research and Enterprise Division has worked in
Research Management and Support for over 14 years at the University of Salford
and has supported many bids into the UK research Councils, European Union and
various trusts and charities.
12.00-1.00 You’re
Hired! Applying for Academic Jobs
Dr Stephen Ward
This session will discuss one
element of the what next question - applying for academic jobs: When and where
to look; how to make the most your academic experience and your PhD studies;
what to look (out) for in job applications; how to survive job presentations
and interviews and what academic departments and colleagues are really looking
1.00-1.30 Screening 3 - The Good Supervision
How supervision is organised
What support to expect
How to get the feedback you need
How disciplines differ
1.30-2.30 Buffet
Lunch Provided
2.30-3.30 Post-lunch
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