Friday, 21 February 2014

Talks at MMU

17.00 - 18.00 in the Open Space on first floor of the Righton Building, Cavendish Street,
Manchester M15 6BG
All speakers are from the School of Art
Enquiries: Dr Myna Trustram (

12 February Conflict and compassion. Contemporary visual culture from UK and Asia
Alnoor Mitha The talk will give a background to the research on the Asia Triennial Manchester (ATM)
26 Sept - 23 Nov 2014. Alnoor is the artistic director for the third ATM and will curate a major
international show at the Imperial War Museum North.

19 February Treacle Country: New landscapes of the imagination
Prof John Hyatt

12 March Patterns that disconnect: “... designing ecology into the city”
Dr David Haley The effects of climate change are accelerating and nine billion people will be living in cities that are
no longer fit for purpose. If ecological perturbation also offers opportunities for diverse creative
responses, resilience and ‘capable futures’, how might such seismic transformations of cultural
norms and ecological forms be choreographed with grace? The talk will include examples of David’s
ecological arts projects.

19 March Each day at a time: Writing and collecting in mourning
Dr Myna Trustram ‘Art is the means by which we lose the object in order to call it back in a new form’ (Ellman 2005).
This performative talk is an account of writing in mourning. Following a bereavement, I documented in a
diary a kind of slow, controlled collecting of flowers in order to recover a habit of writing a diary. I
consider whether the diary was in part a melancholic response to loss - a repetitive search for beauty
and its decay.

26 March Martial hauntology
Dr Toby Heys A sonic, visual and spoken word history of sound as a weapon.

14 May Serge Tisseron on how objects acquire agency.
Dr Philip Sykas Since the 1970s, the French psychiatrist, Serge Tisseron, has explored the role of the object as a
mediator of mental activity. The object can be a place in which we bury memories and experiences in
order to put these out of our mind for a period. Tisseron questions our relation with objects, treating
them as an extension of the human mind. As his work is not yet available in English, this talk presents
Tisseron’s ideas to those who cannot read them in French.

21 May Pylons and Birds Eye: Women’s Institute scrapbooks
Dr Rosemary Shirley This paper centres on a set of scrapbooks created by the rural women’s organisation the Women’s
Institute. They were made in 1965 by WI’s all over the country to celebrate the organisation’s Golden
Jubilee, and were intended to provide a snapshot of village life at that moment. The books reveal
something of the complexity of how modernity has been felt in rural places, evidencing dramatic yet
uneven changes in the landscape, in consumption and in the home.

28 May The transformative power of thread
Alice Kettle Using thread for its narrative potential, Alice Kettle will look at recent projects such as the 'Garden of
England' at the Queen’s House (Royal Museums Greenwich) and Unravelling at Uppark
House (Petersfield).

11 June Duchess, dogs, Detroit and dragons, handles and cherrypickers - Travels in the Spode
Dr Paul Scott Excavating and re-animating the forgotten remains of an industry. A journey through engraved
landscapes, digital harvests, rivets and staples.

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