11th February, Room 2.19, MediaCityUK
Speaker: Prof Noha Mellor (3.30-4.30)
Egyptian Dream: On Egyptian national identity and the uprisings
After being celebrated by Barack Obama as “the power of human
dignity”, the 2011-Egyptian revolution later turned into violent outbreaks and
ongoing socio-ideological fragmentation. In this lecture, I discuss one of the
central problems in Egypt in post-independence era, namely the inability of its
leaders to construct a coherent and solid ideology that could appeal and unite
the majority of Egyptians. Indeed, there exist rhetorical and social strategies
of inclusion and exclusion, thereby dividing society into those who are regarded
as true representatives of Egypt versus others who may constitute an economic,
political or social burden. I’ll discuss the role of religion, education,
language and culture in constructing this sense of Egyptian-ness and how the
issue of identity has been used in political discourse.
Speaker: Dr Benjamin Halligan (4.45-5.45)
Survival Guide
This session will
deal in detail with the Viva: what to expect, how to prepare, how to defend your
work, and the possible outcomes from the Viva.
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