Exhibition: new work in response to the Burgess collections
9 June (preview), 5 - 8pm
Free, no booking required
An exhibition of new film, photography and design work by staff and students at the Media Lab at the Manchester School of Art, drawing on material and inspiration from the Burgess collections at the International Anthony Burgress Foundation. Exhibition continues on 10 and 11 June, 10 - 5pm.
Clockwork Counterpoint: the music of Anthony Burgess
16 June, 6.30pm
Free, no booking required
'I wish people would think of me as a musician who writes novels, instead of a novelist who writes music on the side...' - Anthony Burgess.
Conductor and composer Paul Phillips is the author of Clockwork Counterpoint (2010), the first major study of the music and literature of Anthony Burgess: join him for an engaging talk, with musical examples, about Burgess's other life as an astonishingly prolific and talented composer. Refreshments provided.
In association with Manchester University Press.
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