Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Symposium: Transnational Mediations

IHSSR and the Department of Languages and InfoComms, Manchester Metropolitan University.

Symposium: Transnational Mediations: Nation(al-ism), Culture and Identity Politics.

November 16 , 11-14.

GM 337

Free event

This symposium aims to bring together scholars specialised in media and communication studies, who work interdisciplinarily across literature, journalism, discourse analysis, politics, PR and sociology to discuss the role the media plays in Europe and the United States in the 21st century. Although this idea may seem obvious at first glance, this reflection raises other questions that are less tangible when considering issues of race, class, gender, language and geopolitics as defining constituents of a sense of belonging, of “self” against “other(s)”, of entitlement, rights and privilege. In this respect, the different guest speakers will analyse how the media and communication sector, challenges, establishes, settles and negotiates hegemonic social orders, while simultaneously opening up spaces for political action and intervention that destabilises, in higher or lesser degrees, notions of nationhood, citizenship and justice, among others. It also problematises the fact that glocal realities are broadcasted and “reported” within a globalising information society.

Prof. Federico Subervi, Texas State University-San Marcos. "The Media Do Make a Difference: New Directions in the Study of Media and Latino Political Mobilization"
Dr. Xavier Giró, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. "Neocolonialism in the Discourse of Media: Nationalism and Migrations. Theoretical and Practical Aspects"
Dr. Joan Cuenca-Fontobna. Universitat Ramón Llull, Spain. "Let's talk about Gender? Presence and Absence in PR Discursive Practices and Strategies."
Dr. Klaus Zilles. Universitat Ramón Llull, Spain. "Performing Linguistic Identity and Integration: The Politics of Interpellation in the Catalonian Media"

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