Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Working Class Movement Library talks

Cazz Blaise - Worlds within worlds: punk ladies, riot grrrls and fanzine culture
Wednesday 29 May 2pm
This talk will discuss the role women played in the UK punk scene and the UK incarnation of the female focused, female dominated riot grrrl scene.

Chris Burgess - Bridging the Irwell
Wednesday 12 June 2pm
Chris's talk will highlight how the Unlocking Ideas project is making links between the Library and the People's History Museum. Results will be on display - from possible new Peterloo evidence to "horse burgers" in 1857.

Natalie Bradbury - Woman's Outlook: a surprisingly modern magazine?
Wednesday 26 June 2pm
For nearly five decades from its origins in Manchester in 1919, Woman's Outlook was the voice of the Co-operative Women's Guild, the campaigning organisation which worked to raise the status of women both in the co-operative movement and in society. The talk will look at how the magazine encouraged women to get involved in campaigning for a better world.

Neil Dymond-Green - Invisible Histories - keeping the memories alive
Wednesday 10 July 2pm
WCML's Invisible Histories project has collected fascinating memories of three Salford workplaces. Now hear how we're keeping these stories alive by working with local high school students to create new Radio Ballads in the tradition of Ewan MacColl.

2. On Sunday 9 June at 3pm there is a benefit gig at Islington Mill in aid of the Library. Will Kaufman, who put on a bravura performance for us last year, has kindly agreed to do another show for us, covering a different aspect of Guthrie's life and work - "All you Jim Crow fascists!" - Woody Guthrie's freedom songs. Conventionally known for his championing of the poor white Dust Bowl migrants, Guthrie also left an extensive body of songs condemning Jim Crow segregation, lynching and race hatred.

All who were there for Will's last show agreed that it was a terrific tour de force - this event features completely different material so please come along and support the Library while enjoying Will's informative and entertaining style of ‘live documentary' presentation.

Islington Mill, James Street, Salford M3 5HW. Tickets on the door £10.

3. Our next free Library tour is on Wednesday 5 June 2pm - email enquiries@wcml.org.uk if you'd like to book. The tour takes about an hour.

4. Manchester Sound: The Massacre is the finale to the Library Theatre Company's programme of site-specific theatre experiences. This summer's production, at a yet-to-be-announced central Manchester location, aims to bring the changing face of protest in our radical city vividly to life - melding the Peterloo Massacre of 1819 and the illegal rave parties of the late 80s acid house scene.
In an underground club in Manchester, two groups of idealists meet. Both are looking for utopia, or, at the very least, something like euphoria. Both are being hounded by the law. And both are hoping for the night of their lives. They just happen to come from different centuries...
The production runs from Saturday 8 June to Saturday 6 July. More information at http://bit.ly/X75DxU

5. Anyone who missed Owen Jones's packed-out Frow Lecture earlier in the month can now hear an audio recording of it via a link on our home page at www.wcml.org.uk. It's a large download so if you have any problem making it work you're welcome to come into the Library and listen to it here.

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