Thursday, 19 July 2012

Remembering David Sanjek

(From Rick Sanjek)

Dear cousins, family and friends:

David Sanjek reached his final resting place on Memorial Day weekend in Timberlake Cove in Plymouth VT, as was his wish.

He had worked for eighteen summers at Camp Timberlake, mostly as the director of the waterfront.

One of his campers who lives in New York, Colin Mitchell, graciously carried David’s ashes to a gathering of staff and alumni, all friends and colleagues of Dave’s. 

In Colin’s words:

“I have pulled together 131 photos from Dave's memorial.  These have been gathered from many of the people in attendance:

(Colin is the big guy in the Aloha shirt in the pictures)

“The event was broken into 3 parts, each captured in the pictures.  The first part was gathering all of the people who had come from near and far into a single place (the Timberlake Trading Post).  Many of us had not seen each other in 20+ years, so there are many pictures of people greeting each other and catching up on each other’s lives.  This is the first 68 pictures.  The next 16 pictures cover the 40 minute Quaker Meeting for Worship that was held in Dave's memory.  The remaining pictures document the days final activities, including placing Dave's ashes to rest in the water in Timberlake cove, just off the docks where Dave ran the waterfront for many years.  We sang songs as a group and individually, and some even went for a spontaneous swim with Dave after the ashes had settled.  The final picture is a nice shot of the cove where Dave rests, taken from the waterfront docks.”

As you all know, Dave’s life was immersed in knowledge and music and he spoke eloquently like a skilled musician immersed in the art of language that came out in long improvised riffs of dramatic, cohesive and symmetrical proportion.

As Irving Berlin once wrote, “The song is ended, but the melody lingers on…”

For me, Dave’s melody will linger on forever!

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