Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Salford PGRs see "Extremity and Excess" published

A collection of essays based on last year's "Extremity and Excess" conference (report here) has just been published by the university press. Edited by Elinor Taylor, Joseph Darlington, Daniel Cookney, and Greg Bevan, the book contains papers from the fields of art, film, social science, english literature, media studies and music. The contributors and titles are as follows:

Daniel Cookney. "Post-human Pop: From Simulation to Assimilation"
Rob Gallagher. "Larger than Life: Morbidity, Megapixels and the Digital Body"
Lydia Brammer. "Siding with the Pervert: Engaging with the Twisted Hero in Japanese Ero-Guro Cinema"
Erin Whitcroft. "Hysterical Poetics: Chatterton's Excessive Desire for a 'Real' World of Words"
Victoria O'Neill. "'The simplest of proficiencies - the ability to kill my fellow men': Isaak Babel and Making Sense of Extremity"
Will Jackson. "Countering Extremism in the Name of Security: Criminalising Alternative Politics"
Rory Harron. "Exodus: A non-identity art - is everyone an artist?"
Patrick Wright. "Critical Intimacy: Lowry's Seascapes and the Art of Ekphrasis"
Marc Bosward. "Manifest Destiny".

The volume also includes full-colour, high quality reproductions of works by Marc Bosward that were originally displayed in the "Extremity and Excess" Conference, and an introduction by Joseph Darlington outlining what happened on the day and where the papers stand in relation to the event.

A link to the online shop is here -

The book is priced at £6. The price includes P&P, including international shipping. Free copies are also available if they are to be entered into a university library's holdings.

For more information please contact: or

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