Monday, 10 December 2012

Live Multi-Studio Event at MediaCity

FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER  from 1pm  til 1.30pm in SALFORD UNI FOYER

You are cordially invited to an exciting studio event at Salford University’s MediaCityUK campus this Friday lunchtime, Friday 14th December  between  1pm and 1.30pm, to watch the screening of a live half hour entertainment show that will connect up all four of our MediaCityUK TV studio spaces in a single HD broadcast for the very first time.

On the huge screen in the Salford University foyer we will entertain you with a 30 minute show including a live band playing  in TV Studio A, a live drama being performed in Studio B, a live comedy talent show in the Digital Performance Lab, and a live news bulletin from the Journalism studio. The show, called Lights, Camera, Christmas will also be relayed live outside on the big screen in the MediaCityUK piazza.

Mince pies, mulled wine and music will be provided in the Salford University foyer after the live broadcast finishes at 1.30pm. All University staff, media professionals, students, friends  and family are most welcome to pop in to the foyer and watch the show going out live at 1.  There’s no need to book.

The show is being entirely produced, performed and crewed by Salford University students.

It is a highly ambitious event, pushing the boundaries of the hi-tech facilities in the University’s MediaCityUK campus building by connecting up two TV studios, a digital theatre space and a TV newsroom in a single HD broadcast – the first time such a feat has been attempted at a UK University.

It is also a very collaborative event bringing together students from a range of disciplines across Salford University including Music, Performance, Computer Science and Engineering, Creative Media, Fashion, Design and Journalism.

Lights, Camera, Christmas is being produced and delivered by 20 final year students on the degree in Television and Radio at Salford University. It’s a unique opportunity for all the students involved to showcase the skills they have acquired. We really hope you may be able to pop in on Friday 14th at 1pm to support  them - and watch University history being made in a most entertaining way !

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