Art History and Visual Studies, Seminar Series,
Lectures will take place at 5pm, unless
otherwise noted, in Mansfield Cooper (room numbers tba).
2 October,
Thursday: Alistair McClymont. Artist. The Fragility of Art as Science
McClymont makes his own ‘science machines’ with beguiling
outcomes: like a raindrop that never falls.
16 October,
Thursday: Patrick Baty. Colour Historian and Architectural Restorer.
Paint Detective.
Through in depth paint analyses of
houses, bridges and more, Baty digs up surprising stories of architecture and
the past.
13 November, Thursday: Elizabeth Howie, Art Historian.
The Condemned Man and the
Corpse: Barthesian Madness and Roger Ballen’s 'Outland'.
The daughter of a psychoanalyst,
Howie takes on the Roger Ballen’s controversial black and white photography,
with a focus on his pictures of Plattelanders, the socially and economically
marginalized descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, and gives us a
madness to be felt.
20 November, Thursday: James Cahill. Theorist in
Cinema Studies. Edible
Beauty: PainlevĂ© and Hamon’s kino-mouth.
A ‘strange gourmet’, Cahill sets the
table with wildlife cinema, the food chain, and dissident Surrealism
19 February,
Thursday: Esther Teichmann: Artist. Fractal Scars, Salt Water and Tears
Through photographs, film and paint, Teichmann erotically
travels inside caves, storms, grottoes, women and seashells, like a
phenomenologist inside a waking dream.
13 April,
Monday: Catherine Jolivette, Art Historian. Promoting Power: The Visual Rhetoric of Britain’s First
Nuclear Power Stations.
In 1956, 'Operation Switch' opened up the world's first
atomic power station and gave birth to a new nuclear visual culture at once
utopian and terrifying.
April, Thursday: Allison Connolly. French Literature and Film
Scholar. Emptiness as a Creative Force.
Pondering the empty bed shared by Colette and her lover,
Connolly takes us through a tour of emptiness (including MallarmĂ©’s
obsession with the blank page, Ying Chen's novel Ingratitude and Kay Pollak's film As it is in Heaven ). With the work of Edouard Glissantis at hand,
Connolly looks at opaqueness as both the necessary outcome of diversity in a
globalized world and the form of the blank space of creation.
Wynd (date tba )The Chancellor of the Last Tuesday Society. Viktor Wynd’s Cabinet of
In regards to his recent book, Viktor Wynd’s Cabinet of Wonders, the filmmaker John
Waters comments: ‘An insanely delightful how-to guide on becoming a mentally
ill, cheerily obsessive eccentric hoarder told with lunatic humor and absolute
joy. Viktor Wynd is a sick orchid who seems like the perfect man to me.’
of special interest to AHVS
13-14 May:
Malcolm Bull, Visiting Pilkington Professor, details to be announced.
Malcolm Bull has been University
Lecturer in Fine Art at The Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford since
1992. His most recent books are Anti-Nietzsche (Verso, 2011); The Mirror of the Gods
(OUP/Penguin, 2005), and Seeing Things Hidden (Verso, 2000). He has research
interests in both art history and social and political theory.
Parker: Visiting Artist, Whitworth Art Institute. Details tba.
Cornelia Parker is a sculptor and installation artist. She will
be exhibiting her work for the reopening of the Whitworth. When Parker had the
British Army blow up a garden shed and then suspended the resulting fragments
from the ceiling, for Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View, she touched on the fragility
of experience and reconstructed memory. For The Maybe, made in collaboration with Tilda Swinton,
she focused on the aura of objects owned by the famous, like Queen Victoria's
stockings, which were collected and placed within museum vitrines. Even Swinton
herself was shown as an object on display in her own glass
case. Psychoanalysis's sexual turn was teased out when Parker made her own Rorschach blots out of sex videos
dissolved in solvent for The
Pornographic Drawings.
For further information:
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