Wednesday, 9 May 2012

"Impact" symposium, Manchester University


A postgraduate arts research symposium hosted by the Manchester Cultivating Research Group

26th May, 9.30am – 4.30pm, Martin Harris Centre, University of Manchester
The Manchester Cultivating Research Group is a postgraduate-led initiative based in Drama at the University of Manchester.

IMPACT (according to Research Councils UK):

1. Academic Impact
- The demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to academic advances, across and within disciplines, including significant advances in understanding, methods, theory and application.

2. Economic and Societal Impact
- The demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy […] Impact embraces all the extremely diverse ways in which research-related knowledge and skills benefit individuals, organisations and nations by:
  • fostering global economic performance, and specifically the economic competitiveness of the United Kingdom;
  • increasing the effectiveness of public services and policy, and
  • enhancing quality of life, health and creative output.

Impact has become of increasing concern in academic life. Research funding councils and Universities now routinely ask researchers to articulate the academic, social and economic impact of their research as part of quality monitoring processes and funding applications. What does this mean for postgraduate researchers in performance and screen?

This symposium will examine challenges associated with thinking about and demonstrating the impact of performance and screen research. It will bring a range of performance and screen researchers together to consider creative and critical responses to the impact agenda. What opportunities does the impact agenda present? What challenges are involved in demonstrating impact? What broad and diverse ideas and practices of impact are there in emerging research in performance and screen? How is impact being framed and understood? How does the impact agenda challenge what we look at and how we look at it? Should we even be concerned with impact?

Registration (free) via

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