Friday, 27 September 2013

University of Salford Media Festival -- 19/20 Nov

We are proud to announce the following participants at the two main days of the festival (19th-20th November). More speakers are being confirmed on a regular basis so watch this space…
Festival Chair: Steve Hewlett (Writer and Broadcaster)
Confirmed speakers:
  • Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Culture & External Affairs in the Scottish Government
  • Josh Weinstein, American Writer and Producer, Writer for 'The Simpsons'
  • Stuart Cosgrove, Director of Creative Diversity, Channel 4
  • Dan McGolpin, Head of Scheduling and Planning, BBC One
  • Andy Culpin, Managing Director, 12 Yard productions
  • Victoria Jaye, Head of BBC Television Content Online and IPTV
  • Simon Egan, Managing Director, Bedlam Productions
  • Crispin Simon, Managing Director, Trade Development, UK Trade and Investment
  • Simon Hirst, Capital FM, Yorkshire
  • Mike Beale, Director of International Formats, ITV Studios
  • Timo Vuorensola, Film Director of, among others, Star Wreck and Iron Sky
  • David Liddlement, BBC Trustee
  • John Wiston, Creative Director, Serial Dramas, ITV Studios
  • Lucy West, Head of News, Granada Reports
  • Alex Gardiner, Director of Factual, ITV Studios
  • Nick Curwin, Chief Executive, The Garden
  • Simon Pitts, Director of Technology and Transformations, ITV plc
  • Hasraf Dulull, Visual Effects Supervisor and Director  known for The Dark Knight, Prince of Persia, Hellboy II, The Chronicles of Narnia: PrinceCaspian
  • Justin Weyers, Animation Producer, A Liar's Autobiogrpahy: The Untrue Story of Monty Python's Graham Chapman
  • Scott Martin, Development Producer, CBBC 
  • Leslie Woodhead, Award winning Documentary Filmmaker, How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin, The Hunt for Bin Laden, 9/11: The Day That Changed The World
  • Cat Lewis, CEO and Executive Producer, Nine Lives Media
  • Katy Jones, Executive Producer, BBC Learning

Full info here:

Manchester Uni talks

University of Manchester – Drama Seminar Series
Autumn 2013

1. “Performing the Psychology of Imprisonment: Revisiting Stanford”
Thursday 10th October, 5.00pm-6.30pm - Martin Harris Centre, SL01
Stephen Bottoms (Professor of Theatre & Performance, University of Manchester) with guests including Simon Ruding (Director, Theatre in Prisons & Probation).

The Stanford Prison Experiment of 1971 is one of the most celebrated case studies in the history of social psychology, not least because of its extensive cultural ‘impact’ beyond the academy. Yet the experiment conducted in a small basement area in Stanford University’s Psychology department was essentially a long-form role-playing exercise – a piece of improvised theatre. Questions have long been asked about the generalizability of its findings, in psychological terms, but this performative presentation instead considers the specificity of site and players, viewing the SPE as a landmark piece of performance art.

2. “On site: making and marking”
Thursday 14th November, 5.00pm-6.30pm - Martin Harris Centre, SL01
Mike Pearson (Professor of Performance Studies, Aberystwyth University), with respondent Julian Thomas (Professor of Archeology, University of Manchester) 

In this illustrated seminar, Mike Pearson draws together the experience of directing two large-scale theatre productions for National Theatre Wales – Aeschylus’s The Persians (2010) and Shakespeare’s Coriolanus (2012) – with critical approaches from his recently published book Marking Time: Performance, Archaeology and the City (University of Exeter Press, 2013). He suggests ways in which thinking archaeologically might extend and enhance both the creation and apprehension of site-specific performance; and how thinking performatively might inform understandings of archeological formation processes and sites.

3. Visual Dialogues: “The Radical Middle Way”
Thursday 5th December, 6.00pm-7.30pm - John Casken Lecture Theatre
Screening with Q&A (speakers to be confirmed). Convenor: Dr. Johannes Sjoberg.

Founded in the wake of the 7/7 attacks on the London underground, The Radical Middle Way promotes a mainstream, moderate understanding of Islam that young people can relate to. This special screening and Q&A will draw on Radical Middle Way filmmaking, in exploring what it means to believe, in the 21st century.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Talks at WCML

9 October
David Wilkinson "I read Nietzsche at fifteen": The Fall's Mark E. Smith and other working class autodidacts on the Manchester post-punk scene
An offbeat examination of class, education, cultural influences and politics on post-punk Manchester, taking in 'weird fiction', pagan feminism and public libraries amongst other topics.

23 October
Deborah Mutch Hidden between the pages: British socialist fiction, 1884-1914
The founders of British socialism recognised the importance of the written word in the promotion of their cause and published prolifically: books, pamphlets, tracts, lectures, sermons and other forms of written publicity. One of the most popular forms of written communication was the weekly or monthly periodical 
which was published by almost every socialist group or faction. The use and proliferation of these periodicals has been studied and appreciated by historians but the fiction carried by almost all of the periodicals has largely been overlooked. This talk will uncover some of the many forms of fiction used by activists in their desire to create a socialist society.

Full info:

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Talks at MMU

You are warmly invited to our Autumn term seminars on the Philosophy of Film in the Department of Media, on Monday 30 September, 4:00 – 6:30PM

4pm. Joe Duffy (Film, Manchester Metropolitan) : Performative Traces of a Traumatic Place
5pm. Robert Sinnerbrink (Philosophy, Macquarie University): Cinematic Ethics: Film as a Medium of Ethical Experience

Department of Media, Manchester School of Art, 30 September 2013

Room 308 NAD building
Manchester Metropolitan University,
All Saints
Manchester, M15 6BG (next door to the Salutation pub)

Please use the Boundary Street West / Higher Ormond Street entrance for the Manchester School of Art main reception in the New Art School (NAD) Building

Any enquiries, and if you would like to join us for dinner afterwards,
please contact Felicity Colman

Monday, 23 September 2013

Events at York St John University

Astrid Schmetterling:
Friday 4th October at 3.15pm, Quad South Hall.  
Astrid is a Senior Lecturer in Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London and is offering a Lecture on Uriel Orlow’s unmade film: A Multidirectional Archive for Palestinian and Israeli Traumatic Memory. More information and booking:

Arnold Dreyblatt  
Friday 4th October Quad South Hall. 4.30pm
Arnold Dreyblatt is an American media artist and composer based in Berlin. Arnold will deliver a presentation on the recent residency undertaken at the Norwegian Theatre Academy involving the use of public display spaces in Fredrikstad to function as public interactive platform for meetings, performance and installations. More information and booking:

Sxip Shirey: Friday 4th October at 9.30pm. The Basement Bar at City Screen, Coney Street York. Gene "Sxip" Shirey is an American electric-acoustic composer, performer, and story-teller. He will perform a one man show of sonic stories. Using original sounds, Shirey draws from a range of sonic memories, experiences and janky beats to conjure up this evening of live works. More information and booking

Trevor Wishart: Saturday 5th October Temple Hall 12.00 pm (arrive 15 minutes early).
Trevor Wishart presents: Encounters in the Republic of Heaven. Saturday 5th October at York St John University, space: Temple Hall 12.00 pm (arrive 15 minutes early).
Encounters in the Republic of Heaven is an 8-channel sound-surround piece based on speaking voices recorded in the North East of England. More information and booking:

Professor Petra Maria Meyer  
Saturday 5th October 5.45 pm beginning in Quad south Hall and moving into Temple Hall.
Petra is a professor of cultural and media studies at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel and will present a 30-minute 6 channel sound installation: L'ÉPHÉMÈRE EST ÉTERNEL inspired by the framework of the symposium “Ephemer” which Petra Maria Meyer organised from 5th to 8th of July 2012 in Kiel.  More information and booking:

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Salford event: "Assessing the Past, Setting Agendas for the Future"

2013 Workshop of the ECREA Communication Law and Policy Section
Communication & Media Policy in Europe:

25-26 October, MediacityUK, Salford Quays, Salford, Manchester.

Venue: Room 3.11, University of Salford, MediaCityUK.
Seamus Simpson, 
Professor of Media Policy, School of Arts and Media, University of Salford 


FRIDAY 25 October

1000-1200 YECREA panel: “Challenges and Crossroads of Communication Law & Policy Research for Young Scholars”.

Chair: Sarah Anne Ganter, (University of Vienna, Austria)


Sandra Braman
(University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA)

Sally Broughton Micova
(London School of Economics Media Policy Project )

Eva Knoll
(Research analyst, Enders Analysis)

Amit Schejter
(Penn State College of Communication, USA and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)

For the first time, YECREA is organizing an event for young scholars which aims to discuss the opportunities of an academic career in the communication law and policy field and gives young scholars the opportunity to gain some insight into the situation of professionals at different stages of their careers.

Young scholars making their early steps into the world of academia share similar concerns: how to get into and stay in academia in the mid - and long term; how to decide whether to stay in academia after the PhD or Post-Doctoral phase at all; how to gain confidence and independence in developing ideas and pursuing a route to publication; how to become the ‘kind’ of academic one wants to be.

These fundamental questions experienced by all young scholars may even be more complicated when specializing in communication law and policy, as they work at the crossroads of different disciplines like communication studies, political science, law, international relations, economics, philosophy and sociology. This is challenging in the sense of finding one‘s identity as a researcher and for the development of career pathways.

Therefore, this session aims to give young scholars the opportunity to gain some insight into the actual situation of professionals at different stages of their careers. Opportunities and pitfalls for a professional future in communication law and policy research will be discussed alongside experiences from different countries and academic environments.

What kind of similarities and differences can be detected, which strategies can be developed, have been (successfully or unsuccessfully) applied and can be passed on? And how is it possible to learn from setbacks? This  session offers the opportunity to discuss these concerns through a combination of presentations by the invited scholars and a plenary discussion forum.

For questions, please contact Sarah Anne Ganter by e-mail: