Thursday, 19 September 2013

Salford event: "Assessing the Past, Setting Agendas for the Future"

2013 Workshop of the ECREA Communication Law and Policy Section
Communication & Media Policy in Europe:

25-26 October, MediacityUK, Salford Quays, Salford, Manchester.

Venue: Room 3.11, University of Salford, MediaCityUK.
Seamus Simpson, 
Professor of Media Policy, School of Arts and Media, University of Salford 


FRIDAY 25 October

1000-1200 YECREA panel: “Challenges and Crossroads of Communication Law & Policy Research for Young Scholars”.

Chair: Sarah Anne Ganter, (University of Vienna, Austria)


Sandra Braman
(University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA)

Sally Broughton Micova
(London School of Economics Media Policy Project )

Eva Knoll
(Research analyst, Enders Analysis)

Amit Schejter
(Penn State College of Communication, USA and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)

For the first time, YECREA is organizing an event for young scholars which aims to discuss the opportunities of an academic career in the communication law and policy field and gives young scholars the opportunity to gain some insight into the situation of professionals at different stages of their careers.

Young scholars making their early steps into the world of academia share similar concerns: how to get into and stay in academia in the mid - and long term; how to decide whether to stay in academia after the PhD or Post-Doctoral phase at all; how to gain confidence and independence in developing ideas and pursuing a route to publication; how to become the ‘kind’ of academic one wants to be.

These fundamental questions experienced by all young scholars may even be more complicated when specializing in communication law and policy, as they work at the crossroads of different disciplines like communication studies, political science, law, international relations, economics, philosophy and sociology. This is challenging in the sense of finding one‘s identity as a researcher and for the development of career pathways.

Therefore, this session aims to give young scholars the opportunity to gain some insight into the actual situation of professionals at different stages of their careers. Opportunities and pitfalls for a professional future in communication law and policy research will be discussed alongside experiences from different countries and academic environments.

What kind of similarities and differences can be detected, which strategies can be developed, have been (successfully or unsuccessfully) applied and can be passed on? And how is it possible to learn from setbacks? This  session offers the opportunity to discuss these concerns through a combination of presentations by the invited scholars and a plenary discussion forum.

For questions, please contact Sarah Anne Ganter by e-mail:

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