Tuesday, 6 September 2011

MMP PGR conference: Extremity and Excess --- programme

Schedule: Extremity and Excess, 8-9th September 2011

Location - Old Fire Station, Salford

September 8th

9-9.45 AM
Registration, Coffee & Welcome
(Prof Brian Longhurst)

10-11.30 AM
Panel 1: Digital

Panel 2: Spectacle


Keynote: Professor Robert Eaglestone, Royal Holloway.
“Extremity & Kitsch”.
Chair: Prof. Antony Rowland


Panel 3: Social
Panel 4: Literature

Panel 1: Digital

Patrick Scott (Carleton University): Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, baked beans, Spam, Spam, Spam and Spam: Spam as Communicative Excess.

Marc Bosward  (University of Derby) Manifest Destiny.

Rob Gallagher (London Consortium): Larger than Life: Morbidity, Megapixels & the Digital Body.

Panel 2: Spectacle

Michael Heitkemper-Yates (University of Edinburgh). Towards the Threshold of Experience: Myth, Mode, and Postmodern High Irony.

Daniel Cookney (University of Salford). The Robots and Showroom Dummies: Stealth versus Spectacle.

Rory Harron (Glasgow School of Art). Exodus

Panel 3: Social

Guy Woolnough (Keele University). “I saw the defendant on Brough Hill. His movements were suspicious” How the Police in Victorian Cumbria Identified and Dealt with Problems.

Will Jackson (University of Salford). Counter Extremism Strategy and The Politics of Security.

Luis Rodrigues (University of York). Anarcho-multiculturalism in Education.

Panel 4: Literature

Nages Montakhabi (Shahid Beheshti University). Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion  

Erin Whitcroft (University of Exeter). Hysterical Poetics: Chatteron’s excessive desire for a ‘real’ world of words

Victoria O’Neill (Keele University). Isaak Babel’s Red Cavalry

September 9th


Panel 5: Cinema

Keynote: Professor Joanna Hodge, MMU.
“Varieties of Excess”.
Chair: Elinor Taylor


Panel 6 Visual
Panel 7 Multiples
Keynote/ Screening:
Xavier Mendik.
Chair: Prof Erik Knudsen

Panel 5: Cinema

Hiu M Chan (University College London): Watermelon Sex: Imagining Sexual Extremity In the Wayward Cloud.  

Lydia Brammer (Oxford Brookes University). Ero-Guro and Contemporary Japanese Cinema

Richard Whitby (London Consortium). Excessive Expenditure in Illusion City

Laura Wilson (University of Manchester) The Language of Extremity and Excess.

Panel 6: Visual

Patrick Wright: Critical Intimacy: Lowry’s Seascapes and the Art of Ekphrasis.

Asmita Sarkar (Gray’s School of Art): Excesses of Expression in Visual Culture; the Norm and Anomalies

Patrick Holden (London Consortium): On "Absolutely Raping" Giotto; or, what Duchamp's not been saying about our femmes de chambre.

Panel 7: Multiples

Benjamin J. Raymond (Villanova University). Between Critics: Dorian Gray and the Phallosocial Intellect.

Daisy Garofalo (the Shakespeare Institute). Shakespeare’s Twins.

Gonçalo Cholant (University de Coimbra). Curious notes in the margin of the private mind: Virginia Woolf’s “Monday or Tuesday”, écriture féminine and stream of consciousness.

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