Adelphi House, 2nd floor lecture theatre:
Internal Speaker: Dr Michael Goddard. 3.10 -
A Deleuzian 21st Century?: Deleuze and Contemporary Media
and Cultural Research
Of any of the post-structuralist theorists associated
with the ‘68 generation (Foucualt, Derrida, Lyotard etc), Deleuze’s work is
perhaps the most contemporary with the present. In the 1970s Foucault said
“perhaps the [20th] Century will become known as Deleuzian” but, in fact,
Deleuze’s work, especially in an Anglo context, has had something of a delayed
impact. It is only now that this work is beginning to take root in the academy
while still enjoying the popularity it has had for decades among art students,
postgraduates, autodidacts and range of academic outsiders. So perhaps it is the
21st Century that is becoming Deleuzian.
Rather than the impossible presentation of Deleuze’s work
in its entirety, this seminar will give a sketch of its take-ups at various
times and in various contexts and focus on its use value for media and cultural
research. It will suggest some useful paths into Deleuze’s work via key
interviews and short texts as well as suggestions for further reading, and
especially deal with those aspects of his work which engage directly or
indirectly with questions of media and culture, culminating in an opening to his
work on cinema.
External Speaker: Dr Andy Robinson. 4pm -
(Host: Dr Phoebe Moore-Carter)
Dr. Andrew Robinson is a critical theorist and activist
working on a range of topics around social movements, radical theory, oppressive
discourse, global power-structures and everyday life. He is co-author of
Power, Conflict and Resistance in the Contemporary World, which applies
Deleuzian theory to the analysis of social movement networks, reactive networks
and the world-system. He has two dozen published articles and papers including
“Symptoms of a New Politics: Networks, Minoritarianism and the Social Symptom in
Zizek, Deleuze and Guattari”, “Living in Smooth Space: Deleuze, Spivak and the
Subaltern”, and pieces on Gramsci, Zizek, Laclau, Virilio, Negri, Sartre,
post-left anarchy, global justice, the Zapatistas, anarchist theories of war,
social movements in Manipur, revolutionary subjectivity, US foreign policy, and
global exclusion.
Time and Dialogism in Deleuzian Theory
This paper will examine the Deleuzian theory of time,
developed in Deleuze’s books on Bergson and Cinema, with a focus on the themes
of dialogue and the Event. It will begin by summarising Deleuze’s concepts of
past, present and future. It will explain how each perspective is differentiated
as a sensorimotor zone constructed through attention to life, providing a
particular zone of resonance unique to each person. It will also explain how
Deleuze proposes to understand possibilities for dialogue between such zones
through the Bergsonian idea of intuition. It will also discuss how the event is
seen to interrupt monological sequences of time. Finally, it will explore the
idea of “absolute deterritorialisation” and the relevance of Deleuze’s theory of
time for social transformation.
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