Friday, 8 June 2012

Workshop: Approaching publishers - a guide for academic authors

The workshop is taking place on Tuesday 12 June from 2 – 4pm in Gilbert Room 2, and is led by Anthony Haynes who has extensive experience in publishing.

It is part of the VC Early Career Researcher’s Programme, but there are some additional spaces available for other researchers who would be interested in attending. Please could participants email me  ( by Monday 11 June to confirm a place.  

The workshop is aimed at anyone interested in finding out more about academic publishing. It is open to all disciplines, but the focus is particulary centred on book publishing. Please see below for more details.

This session will provide guidance from a publishing industry insider.publishing and help early-career researchers to approach publishers with confidence. The session will outline the academic publishing industry and explain how academic authors get commissioned. The main focus will be on the dos and don’ts of approaching publishers. In particular, detailed practical advice will be provided on how to write book proposals. The session will explain typical reasons behind publishers’ acceptance (or rejection) of proposals, and provide guidance on practical resources that are available to help academics develop their authorial careers. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion.

Anthony Haynes is Director of The Professional and Higher Partnership Ltd. He teaches academic authorship for the University of Tartu (Estonia) and is Visiting Professor at Hiroshima University. He also provides mentoring on writing development for researchers at the universities of Cambridge and Essex. Anthony’s publications include Writing Successful Textbooks (A&C Black, 2001) and Writing Successful Academic Books (CUP, 2010).

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